挺喜歡這首「Sea of heartbreak」,尤其對歌詞中的一句「How did I lose you?Oh where did I fail?」颇有感觸,我們經常都是會先責怪別人,而忘了先自觀反省,自己做錯了甚麼嗎?心思是清明的嗎?仰靠神的憐憫!
Sea of heartbreak
The lights In the harbor,Don't shine for me
I'm like a lost ship,Adrift on the sea
Sea of heartbreak,Lost love and loneliness
Memories of your caress,
So divine, I wish,You were mine again my dear
On this sea of tears,Sea of heartbreak‧
How did I lose you?Oh where did I fail?
Why did you leave me,Always to sail?
Oh, I'd give to sail back to shore,Back to your arms once more
Come to my rescue,Oh Come here to me
Take me and keep me,Away from the sea